Archive for October 27th, 2004
Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
The Art of the Deal
Now listen up, because i’m about to share a bunch of really good information against my own best interests, and it will save you some money. As you might know, I’m really cheap. I like buying stuff cheaply, and I like selling stuff for more than I bought it. Sometimes being cheap just means knowing […]
No Comments » - Posted in Uncategorized by Ryan Cousineau
Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
Moonshadows and Other Things
If you are reading this, you’ve missed the lunar eclipse tonight. I got home, ate some lasagna (which I later found out was vegetarian. Soylent lasagna is green!), and did a rudimentary bike tire change, which seemed to go well. The new Park tire levers worked, which is good. I would recommend them over any […]
No Comments » - Posted in Uncategorized by Ryan Cousineau
Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
Christopher Hitchens is Confusing Everyone
Slate reprised its refreshingly honest Slate Votes feature, and to the surprise of some, Christopher Hitchens cast his vote for Kerry. Now, anyone reading Hitchens lately knows that he is one of the strongest proponents of the Iraq War anywhere, and that he has repeatedly stated his case for it. In other words, even though […]