Archive for December, 2004

Sunday, December 19th, 2004

Exterior of the Royal Mint, which we toured. for security reasons, no photos are permitted inside, not even in the gift shop. I am not making this up. It was one of the better tours, quite a lot of fun to see several million dollars worth of gold and silver, not to mention the assembly […]

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Sunday, December 19th, 2004

Detail of the ceiling of the Senate chamber’s lobby. Hey, I can see my province from here!Posted using scary magic-like technologies

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Sunday, December 19th, 2004

An aptly named spicy sauce shop in Ottawa.Posted using scary magic-like technologies

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Saturday, December 18th, 2004

Ottawa Overview

I’m back in Vancouver. Our week in Ottawa was definitely the best vacation The Lovely One and I have taken since our honeymoon. Much of that was down to personal issues: our hosts, Sandy and Eddie, were incredibly accomodating, and Sandy and TLO pretty much planned out very day of the trip, much to the […]

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Thursday, December 16th, 2004

A day in court

Thursday was a funny day. At the risk of stealing Rebecca’s thunder, it ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime. We got a late start to the day, and accompanied our hosts Sandy and Eddie to traffic court, where they sought to fight Ottawa’s arcane and mutable “interfering with snow removal” parking bylaw. I have […]

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Sunday, December 12th, 2004

The Sublime and the Ridiculous 4

Hello from Ottawa! Yes, I have actually ventured out of the relative warmth of the west coast to the wintry metropolis known as our nation’s capital. This week, I was assaulted at every turn by the ridiculous, but have been enjoying some sublime moments as well. The process involved in getting from Vancouver to Ottawa […]

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Sunday, December 12th, 2004

Up and In in Ottawa

Staying in a friend’s 23rd-floor apartment, thus the stupid title. Not much will be said: the flight in was bumpy, and Ottawa is covered in a thick blanket of snow. Went to a concert of swing tunes last night at the National Arts Centre (think Queen Elizabeth Theatre except with good acoustics and good sightlines), […]

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Friday, December 10th, 2004

Lots of links, not much juice

I’m leaving on a jet plane. Instead of a real post, a few useful things I found: Credit where due, these first two are from Joshua Paul’s column in Performance PC: CutePDF is a free-to-home-users PDF-writing utility for PCs, so they can approach the abilities built into Mac OS X. ALZip is a free-to-home-users Zip […]

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Thursday, December 9th, 2004

This picture, much more accurate, colour-wise, than the one below, happened because I set a manual white balance using a piece of paper illuminated by the primary light source (an incandescent lamp sitting out of frame to the right). It’s a powerful adjustment, and useful when your photos aren’t coming out the proper colour. The […]

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Thursday, December 9th, 2004

This boring photo is being used as a useful tutorial. The theme: manual white balance is your friend. This shot was taken in low-light conditions, using the automatic white-balance setting. It’s all orangey.Posted using scary magic-like technologies

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