Archive for January 28th, 2005
Friday, January 28th, 2005
Electronic Stability Control saves lives
As usual, I found some time to read Car and Driver at the newsstand this week, and the most interesting article of all was a column by Csaba Csere, one of their several smart, engineer-background editors. Kudos to them, by the way, for making the content available online. He was on about the genuinely shocking […]
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Friday, January 28th, 2005
Not-so-great Moments in Branding
Otis Spunkmeyer. Can you tell that’s a made-up, awful company name? Of course you can. Branding is a recurring theme in William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition, which includes the theory that the Tommy Hilfiger brand, because of its incredibly derivative and obviously calculated style, is the most soulless brand ever (this is important, because the main […]