Well, sort of. I did a 20.6 km TT Sunday morning, and I did better than I expected. I finished eleventh in my division, averaging about 42 km/h. Suck Factor 3.

This is the second TT I’ve done this season, and I’m really enjoying them. But there’s not much to say about them. If regular race reports are boring, TT race reports are even more boring. Here’s the one for today’s effort: “I started strong out of the gate, rode as hard as I could for 29 minutes, and then I was done.”

At least it’s short.

The moment of the day came before my ride, when Taku looked at my LeMond-vintage Scott aero bars, and guilelessly asked, “are those homemade?”

He was trying to be nice. Then he beat me in the TT by 3 seconds.