Thu 30 Mar 2006
Hi Def and illness
Posted by Ryan Cousineau under Uncategorized
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So here I am, home sick, trying mostly not to infect my co-workers. So I have a lot of time to watch TV.
You know which TV station rocks HDTV? Really does it right, with nearly full-day programming that I love watching? PBS.
Yep, that’s right. Most of the “HD” feeds from the major networks, including CBC and the sports networks, are purely part-timers. I don’t think TSN-HD shows anything in Hi Def except the occasional hockey game. Even their evening sports show isn’t in HD.
Fox is very nearly as bad: a few prime-time shows in HD, and that’s it.
You know what I’m watching on PBS right now? The Nova show on the Darpa Grand Challenge in glorious wide-o-vision. Aw yeah!
They even got John Lithgow to narrate.
Do you know how much it argues against interest for me, an instinctively libertarian hater of publicly-funded arts, to admit this? But I have to say it: PBS-HD is what I hope every “HD” service looks like in a year.
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