Tue 26 Sep 2006
Escape Velocity Grand Prix of Cyclocross video
Posted by Ryan Cousineau under Uncategorized
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The EV GP of Cyclocross, right there at the West Point Grey Academy in the heart of Vancouver. I’d like to thank Stephen Cork for setting this up, and David Penner and Jeff Ain for doing a bunch of supplementary video, too. Once again, this is the Men’s A race, but there’s a pretty good chance I’ll do a follow-up video for the other categories.
I’m a little baffled: this doesn’t seem to be as high quality as I was hoping for, but so it goes. It looks fine in the original, so I’m blaming Google Video.
The race itself was fast and fun, except for the steep, brain-bendingly power-dependent parts.
Here’s Tobin’s photos. Here’s Greg’s photos. Here’s the results et cetera