Archive for December, 2006

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

2006 Canadian Cyclocross Championships – Men

2006 Cyclocross nationals, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. November 11, 2006 This is my final video for the year, and it’s way late. But it’s done. Contact me if you want a link to the really nice full-res version. Thanks to EV, Norm, Jak, and Gord for particular assistance in making this happen.

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Monday, December 25th, 2006

Christmas Day

As is traditional, we went to midnight mass, followed by a gift exchange with the in-laws. This year, I’m sending The Lovely One off for a spa day, but she pulled off that rarest of tricks: giving me a gift I had forgot to ask for, that I would never buy for myself (too extravagant) […]

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Sunday, December 24th, 2006

A Christmas Letter

The wonderful thing about being both lazy and a blogger is that I can write this Christmas letter to you on Christmas Eve, and you’ll still all get it in time for Christmas! This has been a weird year. I could easily write it off as something like “the cat died, grandpa died, and I […]

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Sunday, December 10th, 2006

The Great Canadian Ludicrous Talking Polar Bear Adventure

So someone in my household picked The Great Canadian Polar Bear Adventure for our evening’s viewing. I’m not saying it was The Lovely One. It could have been me…. About 3 seconds in, I sense trouble brewing when I realize this is a live-action drama starring talking polar bears. About 3 minutes in, things take […]

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Saturday, December 2nd, 2006

He’s Everybody’s Second Choice

This is mostly an apolitical weblog, but since I was looking for some early juice on the new leader of the Liberals and found nothing, I thought I’d write it myself. Though some had already written this surprise scenario (candidate in fourth place in delegates going into the campaign wins), it was only written as […]

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