Archive for February, 2007
Tuesday, February 20th, 2007
This is an old paper. By the copyright, it’s approaching a decade in print. It has been widely referenced. The pretty, as-published 3MB PDF, which includes some revisions and extra graphs. And it may be the most important thing, at least in terms of personal transformation, that you ever read. It doesn’t tell you what […]
2 Comments » - Posted in Uncategorized by Ryan Cousineau
Monday, February 19th, 2007
DRM Tipping Points
Item: a guy who manages content for a living writes something like this. And he pretty much has to, since to say otherwise and be even half as techno-savvy as he is (and that poor slob doesn’t even have an N93) would be to be regarded as having been bought, or retarded, or both. Things […]
1 Comment » - Posted in Uncategorized by Ryan Cousineau
Friday, February 16th, 2007
Everything broke
Here is a brief list of things that have broken in the last seven days or so: the car’s water pump my laptop’s hinge my laptop’s screen the robot vacuum my lip (4 stitches!) the shower cleaner (long story) the dishwasher my will to repair things Worst of all, every one of those items (except […]