Every second day is not the new posting schedule.

Bad news on a happy day? Who cares! It turns out I probably won’t be able to do the time trial I wanted to on Sunday, because of a conflict with a foreordained martini party. D’oh! But that’s not a bad conflict, really, and I’ll still be able to do two other races.

And my intramural floor hockey team lost a heartbreaking playoff game in a shootout after overtime. But we played well and had fun. So you can’t say that’s bad.

And I nodded off in a meeting this afternoon, to the amusement of the other attendees, but after I woke up I was sharp enough to make two good suggestions that will be minor action items. Small victories, but you do what you can.

And hey, it rained cats and dogs on the ride home. But you know what? I have cat and dog-proof riding gear now. Good booties, good gloves, and a pretty good jacket. Rain is not a problem. And more importantly, I was riding. And I liked it. I even sprinted up a hard hill and made the traffic light before it went yellow. Yeah! Small victories, but you take them where you can get them.

And I gave The Lovely One flowers for the third time this week, which made her suspicious. But amused. I’ll take it. Maybe no more flowers for a while, though.

Read 1-1/2 books recently. The full book was The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, a weird but wonderful work. A really good tale, considering it won an award. The half-book was Choke by Chuck “Fight Club” Palanhiuk. Too weird, too too ugly to keep reading. I have figured out that life can be too short for some books to be read.

Busy, fantastic weekend planned: the Martini party that The Lovely One won on Sunday night, A little Arts reception Friday night, two, maybe three race stages, and a good chance I’ll nail the floor down for the shed, too. And it’s treat day tomorrow, and I get inordinately excited by fried carbs.

Speaking of which, I consulted with my mother-in-law, and hatched a mad, bad recipe idea with which to inagurate our shiny, unused pasta maker: deep-fried raviolis using pineapple, date, or dried apricot filling. Mincemeat was vetoed as “not healthy.”

Wish me luck.