This weekend was so hectic I don’t even remember what I did on Saturday.

But Sunday was a morning spent rattling around in the back of a Passat, trading bicycle wheels through the side window with a guy on the back of a motorcycle, as we chased some seriously masochistic cyclists through the streets of White Rock. Yep. I was a volunteer mechanic in the Tour de White Rock, the third part of BC’s Superweek (Tour de Delta, Tour de Gastown, and then my event). What fun! Got ride around with local cycling legend Jim Cooper, known for fathering some of the best local riders around (son Marsh is part of Symmetrics and was in the race; his daughter was in LA preparing for the World Junior Track Championships). Entertainingly, people cheered for Jim almost every lap as we went around.

The afternoon was three hours of grunty work with teammates in preparation for an upcoming team time trial. It was a good practice, but we need more.

Last night I mostly just slept.

In other news? There is no other news.