Monthly Archives: May 2011

Something Borrowed

How I ended up watching Something Borrowed:


As I mentioned in my last post, I was happy to receive two passes to A Wake, courtesy of The Georgia Straight. Unfortunately, the movie’s run ended prior to my win. So, the paper kindly rectified the situation by giving me two passes to Something Borrowed, a free regular popcorn, and a DVD of Blue Valentine, about which I will write a review in a future post. I was really happy about this because I wanted to see a movie about a wedding this year, as my brother is getting married in September and I’m feeling a bit sentimental these days.


In any case, I dragged my husband to the movie, as none of my friends were able to make it on such short notice. I did feel slight pangs of guilt as I knew chick flicks were not our usual movie-going fare. Yet, we enjoyed the convoluted plot; the shameless Heineken product placement; and the Tom Cruise clone that is Colin Egglesfield. I think, on my own, I wouldn’t have laughed out loud. So, I guess what I’m saying is that my husband, 15 years after I met him, is still my pal.


Win tickets to Something Borrowed or watch it when it comes on T.V. Spending money on it is probably not a good idea. However, spending a Thursday night with someone you love definitely is.

Win #5! Run of engagement passes to A Wake

A couple of days after I won tickets to “Taking Your Experience for Mine” I was notified by The Georgia Straight that I had won two run of engagement passes to A Wake.

I was delighted to win tickets to this particular movie because it is loosely based on Hamlet, my favourite Shakespeare play. I have watched every version and seen every performance I could ever since I first read it at age 17. I’m very much looking forward to seeing it at Fifth Avenue Cinemas, as the place has special significance for my husband and I, as we shared our first kiss outside the theatre.


Stay posted for my review in the coming weeks.

International Dance Day – “Taking Your Experience for Mine”

Luck seems to be on my side lately as I have won my fourth prize since I began this blog back in January! I entered to win tickets to the April 29th show of “Taking Your Experience for Mine“, a dance performance that was part of International Dance Day.

I entered this particular contest because I wanted to see my first modern dance performance live. Also, I must confess that I am a terrible dancer and have great admiration for anyone who can use their body expressively, rather than clumsily.

The basis for Taking Your Experience for Mine was described as follows in the program:


“Throughout the creative process I have explored many questions surrounding the relationship between the body and technology. Is there a new language? Is the renegotiation of skill being forced upon our state of being? What will happen if we always connect through a device? If we are always collecting and deflecting information in such an obsessive manner how long before it becomes part of our neural make-up?” (Sara Coffin, choreographer and director)


I think choreographer Sara Coffin effectively presented these questions. I was especially struck by a couple of sequences in the performance. In the first, two dancers move to the music, pausing to photograph their actions and facial expressions. I was reminded of the film Shadow of the Vampire when the fictionalized F. W. Murnau asserts that if something is not on film it does not exist. Also, I have often thought that one can get so wrapped up in photographing an event that the enjoyment of the moment becomes lost in the desire to commemorate it.


The second sequence that struck me was when one performer was watching a series of film clips on a T.V. and was describing what was happening while the other performer tried to dance in response to what she heard. I think technology does manipulate us and we will inevitably struggle to keep up.


All in all, the evening was very enjoyable and thought-provoking. The reception canapes were also delicious. I’m certain that this will be the first of many modern dance performances I will see.